2.5 Theory of Design
Industrial designers are mostly concerned with “Human Function” (Human Needs).
The Human Function is divided into “Human Needs”.
And Human Needs are divided into three sections:
Economic- Social
Price Quality: the price paid and the social acceptance of the product or system. -
Aesthetic- Culture
Form Quality: the cultural and visual acceptance of a product or system.​
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
In 1970, Maslow changed his original model
developed in the 1950s, from 5 to 7 levels of need.
He added “Know and Understand” and “Aesthetic”.
Practical- Physiological
Efficiency Quality: the practical and physical efficiency and acceptance of a product or system.
The Technical Function is divided into “Direct Factors” and “Indirect Factors”
Direct Factors: factors that primarily effect the materials used in the design solution,
but not limited to materials. -
Indirect Factors: factors effected indirectly by the components in the design solution.
The Production Function is divided into “Manufacturing” and “Planning”.
Manufacturing: the production process of the components, parts, and assembly.
Planning: deals with packaging, shipping, distribution, marketing, and sales.
“A well-engineered product design may be rejected by the industrial designer because it does not fulfill its human function.”
– Walter Schaer, PhD.
What defines a good industrial designer?
One that can function effectively in all three realms.

Three functions have been incorporated
in the Circular Design Process.