3.15 Frequency Chart

Frequency is how an action occurs; something occurs over and over again.
A frequency Chart shows the frequency of an event or action.
Observation and experiments are used to gain data that is used in the chart.
Two types of Frequency Charts:
Numerical Frequency Table
Visual Frequency Chart
Numerical Frequency Table
Visual Frequency Chart
Observing the interaction and frequency of other items is important, also.
The environment where the product is used can be an important factor, too.
As designers, we broaden our focus and look through the lens of the Human Function.
Frequency Chart in survey development:
Building surveys involve looking at the frequency of use.
There are ways to get to the question of frequency of use.
The first is to analyze your transactional data and create a suitable measure, such as the average number of times they use a product each week, month, year, etc.
Provides a reliable benchmark
Does not allow you to assess the attitudes behind those behaviors
Graphic example for reporting data:
Laptop keyboard example:
Frequency Chart Example: