3.16 Venn & Euler Diagrams
Mathematician John Venn was born in Hull, England, in 1834.
He is best known for Venn diagrams, pictorial representations of
the relations between sets that have become an oft-used tool
in the teaching of mathematics and logic, among other concepts.
Leonhard Euler was born in Basel, Switzerland, in 1707.
Though originally slated for a career as a rural clergyman,
Euler showed an early aptitude and propensity for mathematics,
and thus, after studying with Johan Bernoulli, he attended
the University of Basel and earned his master’s during his teens
Venn Diagram: wanted to show the interrelationship between things.
Euler Diagram: wanted to show interrelationship as well as hierarchy.
Venn and Euler Combination
- All dogs bark.
- No barking animals are cats.
- No dogs are cats
- All fathers are men.
- Some men are wealthy.
- Some fathers are wealthy.
Diagram Remarks
Venn & Euler Diagram Example: