3.8 Interaction Matrix

The aim is to conduct a systematic search for connections:
Between product elements
Between these elements and design factors
Shows interactions between:
Physical Objects
Parts within the object
Creating an Interaction Matrix?
Use your exploded view drawing to create the Interaction Matrix.
e.g. Parts of a flashlight
- Anything that is within the housing.
- All sub-assemblies (i.e. switch assembly) that are installed as one piece count as one part.
The descriptions (names) of the parts/ components in the Interaction Matrix must match those in your exploded view drawing.
The left column must coincide with the top row in order to meet each identical part within the grid.
The degree of interaction is denoted by a 0, 1, or 2.
- 0 no interaction
- 1 light or infrequent interaction
- 2 high frequency of interaction
The final column is a sum total of one part to the other parts.
Physical and Human Interaction Matrix
Interaction Matrix Example: